Source code for conflowgen.api.container_flow_generation_manager

import datetime
import logging
import typing

from conflowgen.application.models.container_flow_generation_properties import ContainerFlowGenerationProperties
from conflowgen.data_summaries.data_summaries_cache import DataSummariesCache
from conflowgen.application.repositories.container_flow_generation_properties_repository import \
from conflowgen.flow_generator.container_flow_generation_service import \

[docs] class ContainerFlowGenerationManager: """ This manager provides the interface to set the properties (i.e., not the distributions that are handled elsewhere) and trigger the synthetic container flow generation. If not provided, `default values <notebooks/input_distributions.ipynb#Default-Values>`_ are used automatically. """ def __init__(self): self.container_flow_generation_service = ContainerFlowGenerationService() self.container_flow_generation_properties_repository = ContainerFlowGenerationPropertiesRepository() self.logger = logging.getLogger("conflowgen")
[docs] def set_properties( self, start_date:, end_date:, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, transportation_buffer: typing.Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """ Args: start_date: The earliest day any scheduled vehicle arrives. Trucks that drop off containers might arrive earlier though. end_date: The latest day any scheduled vehicle arrives. Trucks that pick up containers might arrive later though. name: The name of the generated synthetic container flow which helps to distinguish different scenarios. transportation_buffer: Determines how many percent more of the inbound journey capacity is used at most to transport containers on the outbound journey. """ properties = self.container_flow_generation_properties_repository.get_container_flow_generation_properties() if name is not None: = name properties.start_date = start_date properties.end_date = end_date if transportation_buffer is not None: properties.transportation_buffer = transportation_buffer self.container_flow_generation_properties_repository.set_container_flow_generation_properties( properties ) DataSummariesCache.reset_cache()
[docs] def get_properties(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str,, float, int]]: """ Returns: The properties of the container flow. """ properties: ContainerFlowGenerationProperties = (self.container_flow_generation_properties_repository. get_container_flow_generation_properties()) return { 'name':, 'start_date': properties.start_date, 'end_date': properties.end_date, 'transportation_buffer': properties.transportation_buffer, }
[docs] def container_flow_data_exists(self) -> bool: """ When an existing database is opened, pre-existing container flow data could already be stored inside. Invoking :meth:`.ContainerFlowGenerationManager.generate` again would reset that stored data. You might want to skip that set and just re-use the data already stored in the database. Returns: Whether container flow data exists in the database. """ return self.container_flow_generation_service.container_flow_data_exists()
[docs] def generate(self, overwrite: bool = True) -> None: """ Generate the synthetic container flow according to all the information stored in the database so far. This triggers a multistep procedure of generating vehicles and the containers which are delivered or picked up by the vehicles. This process is described in the Section `Data Generation Process <background.rst#data-generation-process>`_. The invocation of this method overwrites any already existent data in the database. Consider checking for :meth:`.ContainerFlowGenerationManager.container_flow_data_exists` and skip invoking this method. Arguments: overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing container flow data. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`. """ if not overwrite and self.container_flow_data_exists(): self.logger.debug("Data already exists and it was not asked to overwrite existent data, skip this.") return self.container_flow_generation_service.generate()