Source code for conflowgen.data_summaries.data_summaries_cache

# Decorator class for preview and analysis result caching
from functools import wraps

[docs] class DataSummariesCache: """ This class is used to cache the results of the data summaries (analyses and previews). This is useful when the same data summary is requested multiple times, e.g., when generating a report. In this case, the data summary computation is only performed once and the result is cached. The next time the same data summary is requested, the cached result is returned instead of computing the data summary again. This can significantly speed up the report generation process. To use this class, simply decorate the data summary function with the :meth:`.DataSummariesCache.cache_result` decorator. The cache is automatically reset when input data changes or a new database is used. This can also be done manually by calling :meth:`.DataSummariesCache.reset_cache`. """ cached_results = {} _hit_counter = {} # For internal testing purposes # Decorator function to accept function as argument, and return cached result if available or compute and cache # result
[docs] @classmethod def cache_result(cls, func): """ Decorator function to accept function as argument, and return cached result if available or compute and cache result. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Create key from function id, name and arguments key = str(id(func)) + repr(args) + repr(kwargs) # Adjust hit counter function_name = func.__name__ if function_name not in cls._hit_counter: cls._hit_counter[function_name] = 0 cls._hit_counter[function_name] += 1 # Check if key exists in cache if key in cls.cached_results: return cls.cached_results[key] # If not, compute result result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Cache new result cls.cached_results[key] = result return result return wrapper
# Reset cache
[docs] @classmethod def reset_cache(cls): """ Resets the cache. """ cls.cached_results = {} cls._hit_counter = {}