Source code for conflowgen.previews.container_flow_by_vehicle_type_preview_report

from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import logging
from typing import Dict

import plotly.graph_objects

from conflowgen.previews.container_flow_by_vehicle_type_preview import \
from conflowgen.domain_models.data_types.mode_of_transport import ModeOfTransport
from conflowgen.reporting import AbstractReportWithPlotly

[docs] class ContainerFlowByVehicleTypePreviewReport(AbstractReportWithPlotly): """ This preview report takes the data structure as generated by :class:`.ContainerFlowByVehicleTypePreview` and creates a comprehensible representation for the user, either as text or as a graph. The visual and table are expected to approximately look like in the `example ContainerFlowByVehicleTypePreviewReport \ <notebooks/previews.ipynb#Container-Flow-By-Vehicle-Type-Preview-Report>`_. """ report_description = """ This report previews the container flow between vehicle types as defined by schedules and input distributions. """ logger = logging.getLogger("conflowgen") def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.preview = ContainerFlowByVehicleTypePreview( start_date=self.start_date, end_date=self.end_date, transportation_buffer=self.transportation_buffer ) def hypothesize_with_mode_of_transport_distribution( self, mode_of_transport_distribution: Dict[ModeOfTransport, Dict[ModeOfTransport, float]] ): self.preview.hypothesize_with_mode_of_transport_distribution(mode_of_transport_distribution)
[docs] def get_report_as_text( self, **kwargs ) -> str: assert len(kwargs) == 0, f"No keyword arguments supported for {self.__class__.__name__}" inbound_to_outbound_flow = self._get_inbound_to_outbound_flow() # create string representation report = "\n" report += "vehicle type (from) " report += "vehicle type (to) " report += "required capacity (in TEU)" report += "\n" for vehicle_type_from, vehicle_type_to in itertools.product(self.order_of_vehicle_types_in_report, repeat=2): vehicle_type_from_as_text = str(vehicle_type_from).replace("_", " ") vehicle_type_to_as_text = str(vehicle_type_to).replace("_", " ") required_capacity = inbound_to_outbound_flow[vehicle_type_from][vehicle_type_to] report += f"{vehicle_type_from_as_text:<19} " report += f"{vehicle_type_to_as_text:<18} " report += f"{required_capacity:>25.1f}" report += "\n" report += "(rounding errors might exist)\n" return report
def _get_inbound_to_outbound_flow(self) -> Dict[ModeOfTransport, Dict[ModeOfTransport, float]]: assert self.start_date is not None assert self.end_date is not None assert self.transportation_buffer is not None self.preview.update( start_date=self.start_date, end_date=self.end_date, transportation_buffer=self.transportation_buffer ) # gather data inbound_to_outbound_flow = self.preview.get_inbound_to_outbound_flow() return inbound_to_outbound_flow
[docs] def get_report_as_graph(self, **kwargs) -> plotly.graph_objects.Figure: """ The container flow is represented by a Sankey diagram. Returns: The plotly figure of the Sankey diagram. .. note:: At the time of writing, plotly comes with some shortcomings. * Sorting the labels on either the left or right side without recalculating the height of each bar is not possible, see * Empty nodes require special handling, see and the coordinates need to be :math:`0 < x,y < 1` (no equals!), see However, it seems to be the best available library for plotting Sankey diagrams that can be visualized, e.g., in a Jupyter Notebook. """ assert len(kwargs) == 0, f"No keyword arguments supported for {self.__class__.__name__}" unit = "TEU" inbound_to_outbound_flow = self._get_inbound_to_outbound_flow() vehicle_types = [str(vehicle_type).replace("_", " ") for vehicle_type in inbound_to_outbound_flow.keys()] source_ids = list(range(len(vehicle_types))) target_ids = list(range(len(vehicle_types), 2 * len(vehicle_types))) value_ids = list(itertools.product(source_ids, target_ids)) source_ids_with_duplication = [source_id for (source_id, _) in value_ids] target_ids_with_duplication = [target_id for (_, target_id) in value_ids] value = [ inbound_to_outbound_flow[inbound_vehicle_type][outbound_vehicle_type] for inbound_vehicle_type in inbound_to_outbound_flow.keys() for outbound_vehicle_type in inbound_to_outbound_flow[inbound_vehicle_type].keys() ] if sum(value) == 0: self.logger.warning("No data available for plotting") inbound_labels = [ str(inbound_vehicle_type).replace("_", " ").capitalize() + " inbound:<br>" + str( round(sum(inbound_to_outbound_flow[inbound_vehicle_type].values()), 2)) + " " + unit for inbound_vehicle_type in inbound_to_outbound_flow.keys() ] to_outbound_flow = [0 for _ in range(len(inbound_to_outbound_flow.keys()))] for inbound_vehicle_type, inbound_capacity in inbound_to_outbound_flow.items(): for i, outbound_vehicle_type in enumerate(inbound_to_outbound_flow[inbound_vehicle_type].keys()): to_outbound_flow[i] += inbound_capacity[outbound_vehicle_type] outbound_labels = [ str(outbound_vehicle_type).replace("_", " ").capitalize() + " outbound:<br>" + str( round(to_outbound_flow[i], 2)) + " " + unit for i, outbound_vehicle_type in enumerate(inbound_to_outbound_flow.keys()) ] fig = plotly.graph_objects.Figure( data=[ plotly.graph_objects.Sankey( arrangement='perpendicular', node={ 'pad': 15, 'thickness': 20, 'line': {'color': 'black', 'width': 0.5}, 'label': inbound_labels + outbound_labels, 'color': 'dimgray' }, link={ 'source': source_ids_with_duplication, 'target': target_ids_with_duplication, 'value': value } ) ] ) fig.update_layout( title_text="Container flow from vehicle type A to vehicle type B as defined by inbound journeys<br>" "and onward transportation distribution", font_size=10, width=900, height=700 ) return fig